Whistler 2008
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Send in the clouds: 09th January 2008

A panoramic view of Whistler - click for full size image
A panoramic view of Whistler
Today's skiing was somewhat marred by a near complete lack of visibility. Sometimes it was not possible to see the ground. Gez and James both experienced a sensation where they thought they had stopped, but in fact were still moving. Phil experienced a sensation where he thought he was moving, but was actually sat in a cafe eating an apple strudel and drinking hot chocolate.
1000 gallons of bitter please - click for full size image
1000 gallons of bitter please
Since it was impossible to take a photograph up the mountain today, we put the camera away until we went out in the evening. We decided to go for a drink at the local micro-brewery. All the brewing paraphernalia was visible above the bar, and the beer was the best we've tasted over here so far.
Red Truck, Big Wolf and Grizzly are the beers - click for full size image
Red Truck, Big Wolf and Grizzly are the beers
The brewery had a large model railway running round the building.
Mmmmmm... pizza - click for full size image
Mmmmmm... pizza
James's pizza eating etiquette was beyond reproach...
Mmmmmm... pizza - click for full size image
Mmmmmm... pizza
...and Gez managed to keep his mouth closed while chewing...
Give me a shout when you've finished eating - click for full size image
Give me a shout when you've finished eating
...but Phil showed the clear advantages of not bothering to chew your food.
Phil, Gez and James's holiday report